Surah ad dahr
Surah ad dahr

SURAH INSAN MAIN TOPICS: Universe Was There Before Man, And Man Was Not Even A Thing Mentioned, Detailed Description of Paradise with some unique things Like Drink Mix With Kafur, Cups & Vessels Made of Silver Clear As Glass, Drink Mix With Zanjabil from a Fountain named Salsabeel. MAIN CHARACTERS: God, Man, Disbelievers, Believers, Kafoor, Zanjabil, Salsabeel. CHAPTER NUMBER: 76 SURAH INSAN TOTAL VERSES: 31 SURAH INSAN TOTAL WORDS: 243 TOTAL UNIQUE WORDS WITHOUT REPETITION: 196 TOTAL LETTERS: 1,087 REVELATION PERIOD: ENGLISH NAME: The Human/Man, Endless Time. While there are diversified topics discussed in these Surahs. It is just a reference and mark/symbol to distinguish this Surah from others as is with most other Surahs of Quran. This Surah has two names and both taken from verse # 1.

Surah ad dahr